Developing a Kind Heart, in a Hectic World

Mon Jun 3, 12:00 - Sun Jun 30, 12:00

At VKBC or Zoom Online


In this 4 week Drop-in Meditation Class Series we will be looking at Buddha’s indispensable advise on the importance of living with a kind heart.

In these hectic times, where there are so many different people, cultures and ideas it is hard to relate and connect with others. Indeed sometimes it seems that people are becoming more and more divided and simply do not have the wish or capacity to develop tolerance towards other living beings.

Buddha taught that this kind of view does not lead to happiness. Instead Buddha taught in the practice of "Equalising Self and Others" that everybody wants to be happy and free from suffering, and that if we adopt such a view in our lives that we will grow in wisdom and compassion.

The Series will be taught in 4 parts:

  1. What is the Practice of Equalising Self and Others? (3rd - 9th June)
  2. How can we take away our own and others suffering? (10th -16th June)
  3. How can we give pure happiness to others? (17th - 23rd June)
  4. How to better our Relationships with others? (24th - 30th June)