CPT Secret Sunrise - Halloween

Thu Oct 31, 18:00 - Thu Oct 31, 19:00

Castle of Good Hope


Greetings Secret Sunrisers !

Welcome to Secret Sunrise Cape Town - Halloween Edition.

Where better to dance on Halloween than in the The Castle of Good Hope known locally as the Castle or Cape Town Castle is a bastion fort built in the 17th century in Cape Town, South Africa.

Built by soldiers, sailors and slaves between the years 1666 and 1679, the Castle of Good Hope is the oldest building in South Africa having survived centuries of violence and slavery. So it comes as no surprise that it has left behind a legacy of disturbed and restless spirits of tormented souls roaming its cold passageways.

Many stories have been told of the ghost of a large black dog has also been spotted on the castle grounds. The hound supposedly lunges at people before disappearing at the last possible instant.

A man and woman are also heard arguing from near the guard room, upon investigation, however, only a shapeless figure is seen. Here, an electric bell is also rung by an invisible hand.

Another eerie story is told of the bell inside the bell tower ringing on its own every now and then, despite the fact that the turret was barricaded years ago. Word is that this is the doing of a restless soul of a soldier who hung himself from the bell’s rope centuries back.

Believe it ? We don't know either.

BUT we would love for you to join us as we go venture into the Castle together and dance together as a community while watching the sunset over Cape Town. #sharethejoy

Born under African skies, the global movement Secret Sunrise aims to unite the world through dance and conscious collaboration.

This global family aims to get the world grooving.

Join us in getting up and out of your comfort zone, dancing, connecting and feeling complete freedom and self expression.

LIMITED tickets available so get yours early to make sure you join us for this adventure...

WHEN: 31 October 2019

TIME: 18:00 - 19:00 PM

WHERE: The castle of Good Hope.

THEME: Halloween, let's get creative.

Headphones are given to you, facilitators guide you.

Entrance Fee:

R 110 Early Bird

R 145 General

R 85 Kiddies.

Youngsters WELCOME! Bring the whole family.

VERY LIMITED Early Birds available. 

Come get groovy with us and #ShareTheJoy <3

Contact us on capetown@secretsunrise.com if you have any questions!


T's & C's apply

Disclaimer: Secret Sunrise will not be held liable for any loss, theft or damage to personal property. Withdrawal from events 12 hours prior will be deemed non refundable.


CPT Secret Sunrise - Halloween
Castle of Good Hope
Darling St & Buitenkant St, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001
Get Directions