Baby-led Weaning Workshop

Sat Aug 24, 09:00 - Sat Aug 24, 12:00

Breastfeeding Expectations


Introduction of solids is usually associated with spoon-feeding and puree. Baby-led weaning is an alternative approach to introduction of solids which allows the baby to take the lead with his/her eating from the beginning, just as breastfeeding is baby-led. Foods are presented in their whole form and baby can explore and discover food in a way that promotes great learning with regards to taste, texture, hand-eye co-ordination, fine motor skills, oral development and confidence with handling food in the mouth.

This workshop aims to equip parents with knowledge and practical tools for introducing solids in the BLW way.

The workshop covers:

- Official guidelines on the introduction of solids and how BLW fits in.

- BLW philosophy

- When to start introducing solids

- True vs false signs of readiness

- How to start and what food, texture and sizes to start with

- What foods to avoid

- Key nutrient information

- How to introduce potential allergens

- BLW vs spoon-feeding pros and cons

- Practical tips for managing mess

- Safety and the difference between gagging and choking

- What to do in the event of choking

- Late introduction of BLW

- Combining BLW and spoon-feeding

- Meal ideas

The workshop will be led by Cassandra Bassett - registered nurse, midwife and lactation consultant.

All participants will receive hand-out containing everything covered in the workshop. The workshop is interactive that includes visuals. Participants are encouraged to ask questions along the way.

Suggested age range: 4-9 months old but parents of babies 0-12 months old may benefit.

R300 per person, including refreshments

Half price for partners and/or caregivers

Babes in arms welcome, older children with supervision please.

Refreshments will be provided.