CHANGING COURSE: How can South Africa’s financial sector facilitate a just transition to a low-carbon economy?
Fri Oct 11, 09:30 - Fri Oct 11, 12:30
Two Oceans Aquarium
Extreme inequality is bad for people and bad for business. It causes instability, violence and uncertainty, slowing growth and diminishing levels of trust and social cohesion. The effects of climate change are already disproportionately impacting vulnerable economies, and deepening global inequality.
South Africa is one of the most unequal societies in the world. It is also extremely vulnerable to climate change: the government’s 2018 communication to the UNFCCC noted that over the period 1931-2015, SA warmed at twice the global rate of temperature increase.
The urgent need for a transition to a low-carbon economy to address the climate emergency is also an unprecedented opportunity for new ways to tackle the development challenges that South Africa faces.
Just Share is convening finance and energy experts to propose and debate practical, achievable steps – big and small – that the financial sector can take to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels, without stranding vulnerable communities and deepening inequality.
09h00 Arrival and light refreshments 09h30 Welcome & setting the scene , Tracey Davies – Executive Director, Just Share
09h35 The Rise of Fiduciary Capitalism: What it means for the just transition in Africa, Nicolas J. Firzli, L.L.M. – Director-General, World Pensions Council
10h00 South African pension funds: powers and responsibilities in the just transition, Xolisa Dhlamini – lecturer, UCT Graduate School of Business
10h15 Blending Finance: Incentivising private capital to invest in environmental outcomes, Aunnie Patton Power – Founder, Intelligent Impact; lecturer at Oxford, the LSE & UCT
10h30 Q&A
10h45 Refreshments and networking
11h00 Coal transitions: risks & opportunities, Jesse Burton – Energy Systems Research Group, UCT & E3G
11h15 The role of investors & the Just Transition Investor Statement, Nicole Martens – Head: Africa & Middle East, PRI
11h30 Q&A and group discussion
12h25 Closing remarks