gentleGiant* fundraising luncheon
Sat May 23, 14:00 - Sat May 23, 17:00
Sophiatown Restaurant
gentleGiant* and DreamGirls Foundation
Cordially invite you to join them at a fundraising luncheon in aid of their first annual girl bootcamp. This camp aims to empower and arm young ladies from Limpopo and Free-State with skills for the future. The lunch is a two course function and will be R150 per person. The R150 is for a meal and drink plus contribution to the camp. We however would encourage that you consider making a contribution separately for the camp. It costs R450 per girl and if you so wish you can pay per girl or be a part of the camp.
gentleGiant* fundraising luncheon
Sophiatown Restaurant
Jeppe Street, Newtown, Johannesburg, 2001, South Africa
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