Entrepreneurship To The Point, eTTP #FutureFit: Survive The Next Decade
Thu Feb 27, 18:00 - Thu Feb 27, 21:30
Equinox Leadership and Innovation Centre, 15 Alice Lane, Sandton. Absa Capital Building
We realise that thinking about trends and futurism may seem unimportant compared to your day-to-day hustle, but we should note that no industry is immune to disruption, and your business is not immune to tech innovation. Have you ever considered what will happened to shopping centre facilities service providers once we are all shopping online, for example?
This Thursday evening, our speakers will provide a robust set of information on the 4th Industrial Revolution, Tech Innovation in Africa, and the Green Economy to help you get #FutureFit: Here is what they will cover.
First Speaker: Dr Rethabile Melamu. General Manager: Green Economy, The Innovation Hub
- What is green tech and what is the green economy?
- What are the trends and insights in this space?
- How can entrepreneurs make the most of these trends? Even if they are not in the green or tech space
Second speaker: Mimi Kalinda Group CEO and Co-Founder at Africa Communications Media Group
- How is the technological revolution affecting the African continent?
- What opportunities are arising as a result of this?
- What is the importance of telling your story as a business when trying to succeed in the information age / 4IR age
- How will storytelling and branding change in the next decade and how can entrepreneurs
gear themselves to maintain relevance
Third speaker: Kendal Makgamathe Events and Marketing Manager at the Tshimologong Digital Innovation Precinct.
- What is 4IR?
- What does 4IR mean for entrepreneurs
- What are some of the trends and insights you are identifying amongst entrepreneurs at Tshimologong
- What can the people in this room glean from these insights for their own businesses?