Laerskool Witfield is trots daarop om die behoeftes van ons kinders eerste te stel. Ons glo daaraan om alles wat tegnologie bied, te gebruik om hul leerervarings te verryk en te verseker dat daar altyd inligting vir hulle beskikbaar is.
Ons het u hulp nodig om dit moontlik te maak.
Ons samel geld in om ons skool met Wi-Fi toe te rus, sodat ons kan verseker dat die wêreld wat altyd verander, maklik toeganklik is en dat die inligting te alle tye aktueel en interaktief is.
Dit sal ons ook help om leerders wat weens verskillende redes onder andere, COVID-19, nie weer kon terugkeer skool toe nie, te ondersteun.
Laerskool Witfield pride its self in putting the needs of our children first. We believe in using all that technology provides to enrich their learning experiences and ensure up to date information is always available to them.
We need your help to make this possible.
We are raising funds to equip our school with Wi-fi so we can ensure the ever-changing world with all the information it holds is easily accessible and learning can remain both up to date and interactive at all times.
This will also help us to support those learners who have not been able to return to school for various reasons as a result of COVID-19.
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