Engo Free State (NGO/NPO)


ENGO Free State is a non-profitable, non-governmental welfare organisation in the Free State.   It provides care and counselling to abandoned, abused and homeless children, as well as the destitute elderly and families in need.  It also provides care and counselling for persons affected by HIV/Aids and offers vocational training to the unemployed and those with disabilities to enable them to enter the labour market.
Since 1990 the Provincial Office was referred to as NG Social Services, however, change and development led to the name-change to ENGO during 2013.

NG         =            Refers to the NG (Dutch Reformed) Church, our roots - the service arm used by the Church to reach out to members and the broader community.
NGO      =             Non-Governmental Organisation
E             =             Eternal Hope
ENGO creates hope in the life of people. Hope for now, but also hope for eternity.

enGO = “Therefore GO and make disciples of all the nations...and be sure of this, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19-20

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