(Links na Regs)
Danie du Toit - Stem, Kitaar
Moskou du Toit - Dromme, Stem, Braai
Chris von Wielligh - Kitaar, Klavier
Albert van der Merwe - Baskitaar, Stem, Rap
"Awesome venue, staff friendly and helpful and an amazing show. Good sound. Thanks! "
- Claire
"Dit het gereen dalk volgende keer onderdak wees"
- Stephany
"Hierdie (23/10) was omtrent my 12de/13de Spoegwolf show - elke keer is onge-flippen-looflik. Vanaand definitief ook!!!!!!!!"
- Johan Strydom
"Well organized, was the first time watching one of their live shows, it was absolutely an amazing event shout out to the drummer of spoegwolf! Well done! and to the team it wasn't what I expected it was even better the way they interacted with the crowd was exciting. Will definitely go to their show the next time their in potch! "
- Felicity
"The event was well organized. There were many food stalls and more than one bar at separate locations. The stage layout was good. It was a bit packed at the front of the stage. We enjoyed Spoegwolf's performance so much. They were amazing!"
- Anonymous