Quote This Woman+


Less than 20% of expert sources quoted in popular media are women: our online database of woman+ experts for journalists is working to change that.

Quote This Woman+ is a South African based non-profit working to bridge the gender gap in the media landscape, by increasing the number of women+ used as expert sources by journalists. Through our online database, we link journalists with brilliant experts on an array of trending topics, from a green economy, politics, finance, to human rights law and medicine. We're working to shift the statistic of only one woman used as a news expert for every four times a man is, which recent research has shown.

Quote This Woman+ campaigns, advocates and lobbies for the voices of women+ experts. There is a plus in our name because our database is open to any marginalised experts who believes they should be included on our database - perhaps because of a disability, or sexual and gender orientation, or anything else.

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