MiChem Dynamics & VGL Dimensions
MiChem Dynamics and VGL Dimensions’ vision is to make a lasting positive impact on this world.
We offer a broad range of consulting, training and auditing services in the laboratory, inspection, food and beverage manufacturing, and health and safety industries. Our vision further expands these services to make an impact where we feel the need arises, and influence the future in a positive way.
Most see a world void of tolerance, everyday life is influenced by inappropriate business practices, ethnic tensions are rife, world class health care is reserved for the wealthy; unemployment has become a bigger pandemic than Covid and famine is ever increasing while food security is ever decreasing.
We do not see this world. We see a world where inspired people create opportunities, a world where every other human can thrive, be healthy, secure a future for their children, respect and appreciate our diversity. We see a sustainable, safe, healthy and accessible food supply to all. We see a thriving South Africa, a country eager to move forward and share the success with the rest of the world.
We make a difference by:
Saving lives:
We believe that a human life is of unmeasurable value, and the nutrition consumed can be the difference between life or death.
Combining our passion and expertise in various food safety, quality and laboratory initiatives, we bridge the gap between merely being compliant and truly saving lives.
We are committed to raise the standard of food safety and quality.
We change lives:
Our success is measured by the way we touch the lives of our employees, our customers, and our business partners.
Our business endeavours to heal, give hope and enable humans to achieve more than they ever thought could be possible.
We create a better future:
We ensure opportunities for more people to become contributing members of society, filled with optimism and hope for the future for all, old and young alike.
We look our children in the eyes with pride, knowing that our legacy will persist, our values will endure, and the process of realising our vision touched many lives.
We fight inequality:
We believe that all humans are created equal.
Regardless of race, gender, sex, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture and language, we are part of the human family and we work together as a team to achieve a common goal.
We serve our employees, our customers and our business partners by holding hands as a family.
Join us, on this journey, as we make a difference.