Guy Buttery



from 9 reviews
"Mesmerazing!! What a magical blend of personalities and superbly skilled musicians. Warm and unassuming, both Guy Buttery and Madala Kunene not only play in beautiful harmony but seems effortlessly created a truly transcending atmosphere for the audience as well. As if they invited and welcomed us all into their world of music. It was truly wonderful! Thank you."
- Anonymous
"I've enjoyed Guy's music since 2005, and had the opportunity to see him live once here in NY. My only quibble (and a minor quibble it is) with the show was it played more like a DVD than a live show. I missed the between tunes banter you hear when actually in front of him (as stated, a minor quibble). As always, his playing was masterful; and I've told him that to his face. :-) Big love from NY brother."
- Ed
"It was such an amazing show, beautiful, cozy atmosphere and the performance absolutely brilliant."
- Morae
"Such a fabulous intimate evening with a muscial genius. Thoroughly enjoyed it and found Guy Buttery very engaging and easy going which made the event relaxed and enjoyable."
- Sharon
"It would have been good to have been told that own food and drinks could have been taken. Regarding the performances though, ten out of ten. "
- Anonymous

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