RISE Movement



from 27 reviews
"Beautiful life changing conference. "
- Nicole
"Rise truly was a transformative experience, just through the advertising I could tell it would be powerful. The reality of the conference exceeded my expectations, and I think more people should be able to experience the Holy Spirit the way we all did at Rise. "
- Anonymous
"Wonderfully organised event"
- Moosa
"The Rise Conference was absolutely amazing!!! From the organization of every session, the catering, the venue arrangement, the worship team, the panel of speakers, the topics of discussion, the atmosphere... everything was on point! I loved how the MCs never rushed the Holy Spirit! They would dwell in a certain segment of the meeting and let the Holy Spirit do what He needs to do. Before moving on. To show you how aligned and involved God was, the meetings never ran past time despite the patience. It was such an incredible experience. Thank you so much to the organizers! We honor your hard work, your effort, your time, and your prayers! May the seeds you have sown into the young lives bare good fruit. May the Lord bless you all and favor you in everything you do. Next time let's make it a full week?? it felt way too short! "
- Emily
"RISE 2024 was a life changing conference with a word in season for me personally. I’m so glad I went. "
- Aurore

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