Yescas/Elizabeth Lee Ming


At Yescas Teahouse we pride ourselves on providing Authentic Culture Cuisine Experiences to celebrate our Cantonese heritage! Join us at our unique, personalised events that provide a memorable experience! Our popular events include:

  • Mahjong dinners - Get a group of 4 together for a fun evening of learning how to play mahjong and enjoying the BEST Authentic Cantonese cuisine!
  • Korean Thanksgiving - A celebration of Korean cuisine and culture with K-Pop karaoke!
  • Kintsugi workshops - group/private/corporate classes
  • Dimsum-Days hosted twice a month on Sundays for traditional Dimsum trolley service of the BEST DIMSUM (Handmade/MSG and Preservative free) in our delightful courtyard
  • Double Ten Taiwanese Celebration
  • Moon Festival hosted annually

  • Our venue is Fully Licensed and we proudly stock the widest variety of:

  • SA Fine wines, craft beers and all your favourite local and international beers too!
  • Japanese gin
  • Japanese whiskey
  • Japanese and Korean rice wine (Sake and Soju)
  • Chinese rice wine
  • Chinese beer
  • Contact info

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