Clifton School - Event Page



from 92 reviews
"I loved Everyman. A well-acted and thought-provoking production, with standout performances and an excellent soundtrack, aided by great acoustics in a nice intimate venue. It was a wonderful reminder of how special a night at the theatre can be."
- Anonymous
"Brilliant production. Thank you Clifton staff and everyone else who was part of this. Well done to the Clifton Gents , they are amazing. Thank you "
- Pindiwe
"Love everything about it. It was fun and entertaining. Something every parent needed. "
- Zee
"Thoroughly enjoy the production. Well done to all involved."
- Sipesande Mketo
"INCREDIBLE SHOW!! The words to each song as well as the history lesson! i think this should be staged EVERY YEAR. as an annual concert."
- Angie

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