SA Jagters - Namakwa Tak
Namakwa Tak is 'n SA Jagters- en Wildbewaringsvereniging Tak in Springbok, Namakwaland. Die doel van die Tak is om Sportskiet, etiese jag en natuurbewaring te bevorder onder ons lede! Junior ontwikkeling en opleiding is deel van ons mandaat en die Tak skiet aktief op 'n gereelde basis in 'n veilige, aangename en ontspanne atmosfeer!
The hunting-based shooting exercises is shot on realistic animal targets with hunting type firearms from a variety of shooting positions imitating different hunting scenarios e.g. bushveld as opposed to plains hunting. These exercises are designed to improve shot placement and reduce potential incidents of wounding animals while you hunt!
Branch Level
At branch shooting events the aim is for everyone to have fun on condition that the safety rules are adhered to. The hunting exercises can be shot without the rule restrictions e.g., using shooting sticks where normally not allowed, coaching a person, shooting with smaller calibre than required for the exercise, and shooting the exercise more than once. However, the score cannot be recorded, and members will not qualify for shooting badges! When members are aiming to qualify for gold, silver or bronze shooting badges the rules for the shooting exercise will be strictly adhered to!