Remi Ludick



from 7 reviews
"I was very impressed indeed. I certainly count it as one of the most enjoyable concerts I have attended in some 50 years. The most striking aspect was the superb control of the sound, which grew seamlessly from almost inaudible fragments, into changing shapes and colours. A little like watching invisible clouds form, but more lively. That applies particularly to the Purcell, but also, with appropriate variation, to the rest of the program. And a very nice program it was, too."
- Phillip
"Congratulations on your premiere outing. The venue was perfect. Good audience including a number of musicians. Well thought out programme. Executed superbly by a talented group of Musicians. Look forward to your next performance. "
- Bill
"The performance was most enjoyable with a very suitable venue that created an intimate and welcoming atmosphere."
- Anonymous
- Anonymous