Black Circle Consulting is organizing a groundbreaking conference on South African Provinces, Cities, Towns, and Rural Settlements within the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the transition to smart provinces, smart cities, smart towns, and smart rural settlements.
This 2-day conference will be held with the support of the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CogTa), the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), the Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent (MISA), and the South African Cities Network (SACN).
This conference will provide a platform for experts, stakeholders, and decision-makers to gather, deliberate, and make recommendations to the government through CogTa, National Treasury, and SALGA.
These discussions and recommendations will focus on the legislative and policy changes necessary to enable the development of smart provinces, smart cities, smart towns, and smart rural settlements will be developed.
Subsequently, guidelines and manuals tailored to the South African political, social, and economic context will be produced.
The conference seeks to synthesize various aspects related to smart cities and towns, culminating in the establishment of a proposed Reference Centre for Smart Cities and Towns projects in South Africa.
- The "Smart Provinces, Smart Cities, Smart Towns, and Smart Rural Settlements" Conference will center on addressing the unique challenges and opportunities presented within the South African context to shape South Africa's transition to a "Smart SA®".
- Itaimstobeanongoingforumthatfacilitates the exchange of ideas, best practices, and innovative solutions to promote sustainable urban and rural development, harnessing digital technologies and data-driven strategies, and the transformation of South African cities, towns, and major rural settlements into drivers of economic growth and social transformation.