Cape Coffee Beans



Cape Coffee Beans is a store for coffee lovers. You can order freshly roasted coffee beans from some of South Africa's best artisan roasters as well as a broad selection of coffee makersespresso machinescoffee grinders and accessories, delivered by courier, anywhere in the world. You can also visit us in person at our store in Cape Town. Learn more about us here.


from 3 reviews
"Thank you to Phaedon, the CCB team and Cedar for having hosting a worthwhile event. Coffee tasting is a unique experience and it is genuinely interesting how a different coffee ?? provide taste, mouthfeel and aroma. Subhanallah. I love dipping in at CCB to speak to their baristas and try their range of speciality coffees. Caio! Salute!"
- Yaeesh
"Thanks CCB for a great event & lovely vibes! And well done to all the skillful guys at Cedar for presenting a superb new coffee that's deliciously tasty and highly quaffable. "
- Paul

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